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[情色三级] [香港/三级]四大美人西施 2006国语中字[MKV/4G/XN/BT]

  • TA的每日心情
    2023-5-26 16:46
  • 签到天数: 2 天


    发表于 2023-6-14 09:10:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    Year: 2006
    Cast …………..Miho Nomoto – Xi Shi
    Lam Wai Kin … Minister Fan Li
    Genre…………. Erotic Drama
    Country: Hong Kong
    Language: Mandarin
    Subtitles:Hard/ Chinese
    Xishi is known as one of the Four Great Beauties of China. Celebrated as a woman of extraordinary natural beauty with a universal appeal, Xishi was the daughter of a tea trader in Zhuji County in the state of Yue (current Zhejiang Province) around 500BC during the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476BC). At that time, China was divided into several kingdoms fighting for power.
    When the State of Yue was vanquished by the State of Wu, the King of Yue, Gou Jian was forced to serve Prince Fuchai of Wu for three years. On his release, King Gou Jian slept on brushwood and drank gall before each meal to remind himself of the humiliation his country had suffered. He plotted the downfall of his conqueror as soon as he was released. He commissioned men to search far and wide for a woman whom he could send as a tribute to Prince Fuchai of Wu. Xishi, whose beauty was much talked of even from early childhood, was selected for this task and sent to the capital.
    King Gou Jian approved of the choice and had Xishi trained in royal court etiquette. Gou Jian ordered his minister Fan Li to take Xishi to the Prince of Wu as a tribute gift from Yue. During the journey, Xishi fell deeply in love with the wise minister. Fan Li also grew to admire this courageous lady who was willing to give her life for her country. Consequently, before they parted, they made a secret pledge of undying love.
    This story is unique in the history of feudal China as no one has ever found fault with Xishi, even though she had caused the downfall of the State of Wu.


    四大美人西施 (2006).torrent

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